International Womens’ Day

March 8 is celebrated each year as “International Women’s Day,” an occasion to recognize all women’s achievements and opportunities in our society.

Many people feel that today’s modern woman has it easier than her predecessors. There are many reasons for this perception, including media coverage of successful female professionals and entrepreneurs, but there is also a stigma attached to being a strong feminist.

Some may even perceive feminists as aggressive or man-hating. These stereotypes often don’t apply to intelligent, well-educated women who understand the importance of equal rights.

Other misconceptions include thinking that feminism is only about having sex with a lot of different men or supporting abortion. This clearly isn’t the case!

Feminism is about equality. It’s about ensuring that everyone has an opportunity to succeed in life by offering them the same chance as other people. That includes giving people of both sexes the chance to pursue their dreams, without discrimination based on gender, race, creed, sexuality, etc.

It is important to note that while most feminists aim to create a fairer world for women, some argue that male dominance is too powerful and needs to be changed. Some go so far as saying that patriarchy is what keeps women in submissive, subordinate positions and encourages violence towards them.

History of International Womens’ Day

International Womens' Day

In 1970, one year after the United States made its first official recognition of Women’s Rights with President Richard Nixon’s signing of the Equal Pay Act into law, some organized celebrations for what was then called World Wide Woman’s Day.

In those days, it was still very much seen as controversial whether or not women deserved equal rights in society and the work place. Some people even said that giving women their own money would create a situation where they would feel entitled to more than men.

Since then, however, there have been many events celebrating International Womens’ Day and highlighting important issues concerning feminism.

Here are some famous quotes about International Womens’ Day

International Womens' Day

Many consider this day to be an occasion for celebrating women’s achievements, but also for calling attention to issues such as gender inequality.

Some people even celebrate by boycotting products or establishments that don’t include enough female representation in them.

By educating yourself about what things have been discussed during the course of this year’s celebration, you can choose how you want to participate in the conversation.

How can you celebrate?

International Womens' Day

This month’s theme, “How Can You Celebrate?,” is perfect for anyone who wants to recognize the achievements of women in our society! Whether it’s a student studying about important figures in history or someone who loves fashion looking into what different designers are doing with feminist themes, there are so many ways to show your love and appreciation for all things feminine. One of the best ways to show your love and appreciation is to shop at Womens Day International.

Between March 8th and 10th, over 1,000 events will take place around the world to commemorate IWD. Some will be free, some cost money, but they’re all worth attending! If you live close to one of these celebrations, why not attend and show your support?

If possible, try to find out how you can participate in the event remotely. Many organizations use social media to let people watch and/or livestream the festivities, which helps if you’re unable to travel at this time.

Take a break

International Womens' Day

It’s time to take some breaks. You deserve them, you work hard enough as it is, so give yourself some rest and relaxation.

Take your dog for a walk or go to the park for a few minutes. Do something that makes you feel relaxed and happy. If you have a job that allows you to leave at times, do that! Or if you don’t, make a lunch date with a friend.

You are an amazing person and you know what you’re doing! Re-evaluate how you perceive yourself and others around you.

This way you’ll be more confident in who you are and what you can accomplish! Celebrate this day by giving yourself credit for all of your achievements and supporting other people’s success.

Give back

International Womens' Day

“Give Back,” which calls to action for people to do good things for others and help create sustainable communities. Since it is international day, there are many ways you can give back by doing something local or traveling outside of your home country!

This week, I would like to talk about an organization that has truly made a lasting impact in our community and around the world — The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society programs focus on finding cures for blood cancer through global research collaborations, patient support services, education, hematopoietic cell transplants and more.

Since its founding in 1969, LLSA has invested over $1 billion in groundbreaking leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma research while providing patients with supportive care and essential medications and treatments. Through its Global Cures Initiative, LLSA works to ensure every person diagnosed with blood cancers have access to needed therapies within their national borders.

LLS America is one of the top fundraisers for World Health Organizations and receives the highest level recognition for excellence from independent auditors and evaluators. In fact, LLSA was named as one of America’s most efficient charities using management effectiveness experts Opendorse to evaluate its performance.

Host a party

International Womens' Day

Never underestimate the power of a good invite. If you know someone who would be interested in attending, send them a personal invitation with a link to the event so they can register at their leisure.

Keep it simple and natural. No need to call it IWD or Women’s Day — use your own word choice that sounds meaningful to you.

Don’t overdo it – just because other people do things like hold events doesn’t mean you have to! You don’t want to sound too promotional by setting up a table outside where people could get free snacks.

Donate to a cause

International Womens' Day

You could donate some money to an organization that helps survivors of domestic violence. You can find many organizations like this through The National Network To End Domestic Violence (NNENDV).

Or maybe you’d like to contribute by doing something fun with your friends or family. Sharing a meal together, going out for drinks, or taking part in a charity event is all good ways to show love and support.

Bring a blanket and pillows to your favorite restaurant

International Womens' Day

Celebration of IWD is one that doesn’t require any special preparations! You can simply enjoy this day by going out to eat or staying at home and watching Netflix while laying in bed with your loved ones.

If you happen to be traveling for IWD, don’t stress about where to eat or what to do- you are not alone! There are plenty of ways to celebrate this event without having to go anywhere or spend money.

Many restaurants have their own events celebrating IWD so check out your local listings before heading out! Or if you would rather stay in, there are many online resources offering tips and recipes for how to cook something delicious during this holiday.

While it may feel like too much work to make lunch for yourself and your family, leaving everything up to us as women often times feels like a lot of pressure. Do whatever feels right for you – whether that’s making your own food, taking advantage of great deals at grocery stores, or just picking somewhere close by.